sábado, 30 de agosto de 2014

Technology into the classroom?

As we have already seen in older posts, students’ digital learning is essential for their future achievements. Therefore, the design and development of experiences integrating technology into the teaching learning should be conceived when planning our lessons.
Personally, I would keep in mind the TPACK and SAMR models to design memorable experiences, since those models consider not only the underlying knowledge of each category , but also the knowledge at the interplay of them.

Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) address to the interplay of these three primary forms of knowledge, emphasizing the new kinds of knowledge that lie at the intersections between them. As you can see, this approach goes beyond seeing these three forms of knowledge in isolation.

The SAMR design is developed following four different levels. This model aims to enable teachers design and develop learning experiences integrating technology in order to transform them by leading to high levels of learning achievement.

Learn more about TPACK and SAMR models and tell me what you think.

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