sábado, 30 de agosto de 2014

Selfies, a teaching tool?

A few weeks ago, I attended a workshop delivered by Mathilde Verillaud, an English language fellow, who presented this technological trend as part of a proyect she carried out with a group of students. Mathilde believes that this tool is a good way to trigger the design of interesting and collaborative tasks to work with in the classroom.
What I liked best about it was that selfies may function as a way to introduce ourselves, to tell others what we really want to share about us while at the same time we may get to know a bit more from others, using the language to communicate those inner thoughts and ideas. We may ask learners to take selfies or choose those ones they would like to share and help them to explore their talents, ambitions, hopes and at the same time work on matters of social relevance such as bullying and our attitudes and respect to others. Besides, it would be important to discuss and reflect as regards the information we upload and share about us in social networks and the internet.

In my opionion, it well worth the time to learn how to take advantage of this trend that seem to be worthless but if we look at the positive side of it, this phenomenon can help us to be creatives and have fun, while  learning. 

 What do you think? 
Would you use selfies to boost learners' motivation and creativity?

"A Moving Scene", by Trina

"Walking By", by Monica

Verillaud, Mathilde, "Selfies in the Classroom, Really?", Alicana - Santa Fe, August 2014

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