domingo, 31 de agosto de 2014


Voki is an exceptional resource.  I believe that creating your own speaking avatar to express yourself is an interesting tool to bear in mind when designing tasks. You can desing a task around a certain topic, for instance everyday life and routines, and ask learners to work on a presentation where they have to introduce themselves, to tell about their routines or certain experiences they would like to share. Do you think learners would find it interesting?

sábado, 30 de agosto de 2014

Selfies, a teaching tool?

A few weeks ago, I attended a workshop delivered by Mathilde Verillaud, an English language fellow, who presented this technological trend as part of a proyect she carried out with a group of students. Mathilde believes that this tool is a good way to trigger the design of interesting and collaborative tasks to work with in the classroom.
What I liked best about it was that selfies may function as a way to introduce ourselves, to tell others what we really want to share about us while at the same time we may get to know a bit more from others, using the language to communicate those inner thoughts and ideas. We may ask learners to take selfies or choose those ones they would like to share and help them to explore their talents, ambitions, hopes and at the same time work on matters of social relevance such as bullying and our attitudes and respect to others. Besides, it would be important to discuss and reflect as regards the information we upload and share about us in social networks and the internet.

In my opionion, it well worth the time to learn how to take advantage of this trend that seem to be worthless but if we look at the positive side of it, this phenomenon can help us to be creatives and have fun, while  learning. 

 What do you think? 
Would you use selfies to boost learners' motivation and creativity?

"A Moving Scene", by Trina

"Walking By", by Monica

Verillaud, Mathilde, "Selfies in the Classroom, Really?", Alicana - Santa Fe, August 2014

Technology into the classroom?

As we have already seen in older posts, students’ digital learning is essential for their future achievements. Therefore, the design and development of experiences integrating technology into the teaching learning should be conceived when planning our lessons.
Personally, I would keep in mind the TPACK and SAMR models to design memorable experiences, since those models consider not only the underlying knowledge of each category , but also the knowledge at the interplay of them.

Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) address to the interplay of these three primary forms of knowledge, emphasizing the new kinds of knowledge that lie at the intersections between them. As you can see, this approach goes beyond seeing these three forms of knowledge in isolation.

The SAMR design is developed following four different levels. This model aims to enable teachers design and develop learning experiences integrating technology in order to transform them by leading to high levels of learning achievement.

Learn more about TPACK and SAMR models and tell me what you think.

sábado, 23 de agosto de 2014

Designing effective presentations.

The first question that comes to my mind when I think about the design of a presentation is: What things should be included in it and which ones should be avoided?

There are certain tips which are useful to remember in order to make great presentations.

1)  Don’t forget the basics
Consider the time of your presentation. If you are going to use a ppt or other software as visual support, remember that it should be long enough to help you deliver your presentation and engage the audience, but short  in order to avoid boredom.
Choose an appropriate font. Fonts communicate subtle messages in and of themselves. Ask yourself if the people at the back of the room will be able to see what you are showing. It is important to assure that everyone would be able to follow the presentation whatever they are standing.
2)  Sometime less is more
Limit bullet points and text. Take into account the purpose of the visual support included: Why is it that you need them right where they are? The same rule applies if you are thinking of including texts. Large piece of texts to be read may result redundant and you will lose peoples’ interest.
Don’t include too many effects on the presentations, they can confuse people and create difficulties to follow it.
3)  Are my slides well designed?
Bear in mind the order of the slides and the content to be included in each of them. A great idea is to include an agenda of what you are going to deliver during the presentation, so people know in advance what the presentation will be about.
4)  Use videos or audio when appropriate
    Using video clips to illustrate examples promotes active cognitive processing and not only will serve to back you up, it will also serve as a change of pace and thereby, increasing the interest of the audience.
The link below leads you to an article developing several tips as regards presentations. The site may take a moment to load, but It is worthwhile reading and considering when planning and delivering our own presentations.
I found it interesting, since it covers several points to be considered, especially number 21. The last time I travel to a convention, I attended a conference hoping to learn something but in the end I realized that the presenter was promoting and trying to sell books. What a deception!

What do you think are the elements that make for good or ineffective presentations?