domingo, 8 de junio de 2014

Searching for Information sources on the internet? Be cautious!


Not everything we may find on the internet  is reliable information to believe in, therefore we should bear in mind some criteria to select those authentic sources of information in order not to be deceived.

Important aspects  to take into account when evaluating a website:
  • Design and Updating
Does it provide clear information? Is the site regularly updated?
The website should be well organised and focused, and in the case that it provides links, those links should be viable. 
  •  Authority
Who is the owner and sponsor of the website?
Does he provides credits to cover the subject being shared?
Check whether it is an authentic site or a hoax and if there is any form of contact with the autor.
  • Bias
A relevant point is to be aware of  is whether the author reflects a bias or a particular political stance, probably he will do it implicitly although it could be explicit as well.
  • Purpose
What was the web page created for?
Is it a web which provides information, up to date news or it aims to sell products? Does it refers to an educational site or entertainment?


Most people are tempted to use wikipedia, or any other social site constructed collaboratively by people from all around the world, be carefull! Since those sites may not be updated all the time and  different views on specific subjects could lead you to misunderstandings.

Do not copy and paste information without citing the author; no matter what website you got it from, plagiarism is forbidden.

Keep in mind not to contribute with fake information on the internet as some people do.

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