domingo, 1 de junio de 2014

Taking into consideration that learners should become competent in a Digital World, what are the questions we should be asking?

Should we care about Digital Literacy?

Nicky Hockly, published an article about  
Digital Literacies, where she mentions that teachers of English, a language of global communication, must care about the skills learners need in order to be functional  citizens in their future. I believe, that  by promoting digital skills we contribute to the development of critical thinking and creativity allowing learners to communicate and interact with other cultures, in a world where information is available, but requires awareness of the risks which are embedded.

Do you consider that institutions should support students in developing new digital skills for study?

Digital Literacy across Curriculum
Teachers of English, in the following link you will find interesting free .pdf books available to download. I found them newsworthy, a resource that may help us integrate the development of students' digital literacy into our every day lessons.

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