domingo, 1 de junio de 2014

A new generation of learners: Digital Natives.

I have been going through the text "Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants" by Marc Prensky and I would like to highlight the assertion he makes, that 21st Century learners changed compared to those students of decades ago and as a result, today's students thinking skills have developed as well. It is clear that those changes are closely related to the experiences involved in their learning process, underpinned by the advance of technology. Thus, as Marc states "the biggest problem facing education today is that the Digital Inmigrant Instructors are struggling to teach with a population that speaks a new language". I strongly believe that this problem demands reflection and the need to reconsider the content being taught and our teaching interventions in order to discover new ways, not only to reach students, but also to develop an approach to teaching taking into account the reality that shapes this new generation of learners.

Reconsidering the methology and content is the challenge we face...What do you think?

Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants -Marc Prensky

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