sábado, 8 de noviembre de 2014

What is Blended learning?

Lets start by defining Blended learning.
Many of us are used to the traditional schools' setting as the learning environment, but  learning with a computer in different places is an instance of instruction as well. If we think of the combination between both we reach to understand blended learning. As a result, it refers to face-to-face learning and online learning.

This new model represents an innovative and engaging experience of learning, since it makes an effective use of technology and allows students to become active participants of their own process of learning. The advantages are numerous: learners undergo through the process at their own pace, they choose where and when to learn and prepare their personal plans. In order to achieve a successful learning, it is essential to provide them with skills and feedback. As teachers, we need to plan guided practice for students, so as to help them and move on together through the process.

A clear example of Blended learning is the use of online platforms, like Edmodo, which create a safe environment to work in and learners have acces to what they need. Therefore, for instance teachers can post or upload content for learners to read at home and at school altogether reflect upon the reading and go on working. In that way, learning becomes a continuous process which helps learners to become more and more independent. 
Again, as I  commented in previous posts, the only requisite is to have internet connection since most students in Argentina have the netbooks which the programme Conectar Igualdad distributed to work with. All the same, there are lots of places with free wi fi connection.

Would you consider this new way of teaching learning? Why? Why not?